Lost Focus–My Biggest Self-Imposed Obstacle of 2020

As I write this, looking back on 2020, I’m reminded that we had a heckuva lot going on, and it had a scattering effect. 

Here’s what I mean–

The severity of the pandemic was a new level of public trauma for many of us.  But as much as we needed to keep aware of what was happening, I have to admit that I overdid my constant attention to the news, and I lost an important ally in building my business online—


The culprit was my preoccupation with the THE NEWS.

It seemed natural at the time…

I’d check Google news before I logged in to work remotely.  I’d get updates via MS Teams during staff meetings.  I’d log into Facebook to gratefully confirmed that my loved ones didn’t have COVID.

And COVID-19 itself was intertwined with electioneering—to be exposed to the COVID news was to be exposed to politics, and political conversation.  Not that the political news was all that helpful—the people pontificating over the airways and online were already dead set in their opinions and so were we, their audience.

By the end of the day, I was awash in information and bereft of focus and frazzled.  Not the best frame of mind and body in which to disengage from corporate work and immerse myself in online endeavors.

We’re more than four months into the new year, and I’m finally realizing how much time I’ve regained by disengaging from constant immersion in all those pools of news.

My creative juices are flowing, and I’m gratefully taking in new, constructive information that will allow me to create new income streams and make fresh contributions to the marketplace and the community.

How about you?

Would it be helpful to take a fresh, close look at how you’re spending your precious mental energy each day?  If you, like I, got into the habit of bingeing on the news last year, you might find it refreshing pick a few reliable sources to visit and set aside a short time to google your topics of greatest interest—then deliberately disengage from it all.

If you’re engaged in business online, then I look forward to enjoying our sharing in the benefits as you and I and our internet marketing community refocus and reengage in 2021.


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