
facebook logo with the words "prose & Cons"

Facebook: Enjoy the Pros, Work Around the Cons

Benefits of Using Facebook for Internet Marketers Wide User Base Facebook boasts a staggering user base of over 2.8 billion active users worldwide. This immense reach provides internet marketers with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with a wide audience. No matter what niche or industry you specialize in, chances are, your target audience can be […]

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Best Autoresponders for Affiliates in 2023

Affiliate marketing has become a popular way for individuals to generate income online. One of the key tools that affiliate marketers rely on is an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an email marketing software that allows marketers to send automated messages to their subscribers. However, not all autoresponders are created equal, and finding the best one […]

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Text: Invest in your business AND your helath at once

How to Save Money and Get Healthier (Really!) with Paid Advertising

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How Do Spammers Even Find Us? Here’s One Way.

If you’ve been in the internet marketing community for long, you’re probably used to being on a fair number of mailing lists.  Many of us buy a lot of courses, ebooks, etc., and it makes sense that we’re on the lists of the instructors. But when your inbox features mail from people using only their […]

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3 Fundamental Tips For Traffic Generation

For affiliate marketers, driving traffic to our offers is critical.  However well we present a product or service, the presentation is worthless if we don’t get lots of eyeballs on it.  No traffic means no sales and no commissions–it’s as simple as that. Unlike product creators, who can recruit affiliates to drive traffic on their […]

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