5 Everyday Self-Confidence Boosters

Entrepreneurship can be tough on self-esteem and self-confidence for new online marketers.  We face multiple learning curves for new tools and procedures, choice-making dillemas when faced with multiple training opportunities, and—for most—the lack of immediate profits, among other challenges.

Increased confidence will come with time and accomplishment, of course.  But are there things we can do immediately to give our self-confidence a boost?  As it turns out, yes—there are.  Actions that we take to boost our self-confidence in general can cross over into our solitary or team activities and give us a shot of “I got this!” energy needed to persist in the face of our internet marketing challenges.  The following confidence boosters are backed by science and easy to implement.

Wear Black

In a survey of a 1,000 people, buytshirtsonline.com found that black clothing was commonly (56% of respondents) perceived as a sign of confidence, intelligence, and sexiness.  How we think we’re perceived by others can lift us up or drop our confidence.  Note:  some internet entrepreneurs stay away from video marketing because of camera shyness.  Consider wearing black (see the chart for other colors, ranked by perceived traits) for other suggestions.

Listen to Music With Deep Base

According to svsound.com, “Deep bass adds excitement, impact and fun to a listening experience…”   If the experience you’re after is a sense of power (confidence), then this article at Science Daily should convince you to seek out music choices with a deep baseline. 

Strengthen Your Core Muscles

Core fitness affects our posture, and our posture affects our sense of confidence.    Practicing core-muscle exercises like these can reduce the tendency to slouch while seated (and aren’t we internet marketers seated a lot?).  It’s not just good for our health in general; as far back as 2009, Ohio State researchers found that sitting up straight improves confidence in our own thoughts.

Nurture Your Social Connections

Especially for solopreneur internet marketers, long hours focusing on our computers, content creation, and advertising campaigns can leave us with more exposure to electronic labor than with supportive social contacts.  But an American Psychological Association study confirmed that  positive relationships benefit self-esteem (and the reverse is true, too).  You may feel driven to arrange your life for maximum online effort and achievement, but don’t drag yourself down by neglecting those you love in favor of the entrepreneurial grind.

Get Adequate Sleep!

We all know it feels crappy to be sleep-deprived, and one of the effects it has is to bring down our self-confidence.  Entrepreneurship often demands long hours of us.  Sleep deprivation can lower our ability to notice the good things in life and to be positive in general.  According to this study, it can even lead to depression.  Couple this with the fact that, when alert and well-rested, we’re more productive than when we struggle, mush-brained, into the wee hours to grind out a blog post or video.  Give your body a chance to get the rest it needs. 

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