If you’ve been in the internet marketing community for long, you’re probably used to being on a fair number of mailing lists. Many of us buy a lot of courses, ebooks, etc., and it makes sense that we’re on the lists of the instructors.
But when your inbox features mail from people using only their first name, and when you click to see their URL (if any), you often find a screen full of nothing. Something like:

or something like this:

So, if you didn’t buy anything from these digital ghost towns and they don’t have a squeeze, page, how did you end up getting their spam email, which contributes zero value and offers nothing but an affiliate link?
You may have bought a product from someone who later offers your email address,, along with thousands of others, as a bonus to get more commissions during one of their own affiliate campaigns.
Unless your goal in building an online business is to become a spammer and pollute the net, you might as well unsubscribe from anyone sending you bonus offers like that. Their initial product may have been okay, but once they betray you their other customers, and give away your info, you can bet they’ve turned rotten. Online leopards don’t change their spots, so you can’t expect anything positive from them in the future.
Unsubscribe, and mark the spammer’s email as precisely that—unwanted spam. I’ve stayed on a couple lists just to see what they’re up to. And now I’m done with ‘em so into the spam box they go.
Thus endeth my mini-rant. I wish you a spam-free day.