Are you trying to build traffic to your site with “free” methods? I put “free” in quotes like that because,let’s face it: you’re spending time when you create and nurture a social presence, and you might be spending some cash on tools or training to make it easier.
That is: IF you’re putting in the time. For those of us with day jobs and/or family responsibilities, that can be a big “if.” That’s because of two factors: stress and fatigue.
Stress becomes an issue because you really, really want to build a business online, and it doesn’t take long before you realize that it takes consistent, persistent work to succeed (or even make any progress at all).
After you’ve handled your employer’s needs and helped out your family members, you wonder how much time you’ve got to maintain your site and to build your social media presence. And it’s a bit of a pain when you realize that it’s already bed time, and you need sleep to perform well the next day.
If you just go to bed at that point, you may get some decent rest, but the stress of having made no progress will haunt you.
If you push through and work into the night, you can reduce underachiever’s stress, but fatigue will build up over time and make you less effective in all areas of your life. And realizing it will create stress on its own. A vicious circle.
There are at least two ways to handle the stress: 1) you can spend money on junk food because crunching down a bunch of crap can alleviate stress, and/or 2) you can spend money on more training about how to succeed online, because the dopamine rush you get will give you the illusion of progress. Hey, at least you’re gathering knowledge, right?
So, heavier in the gut, lighter in the wallet, and no closer to earning money on line, what can you do?
Consider this: how much are you spending on chip, ice cream, and cookies? How much is going through your PayPal account to load up on courses and software on WarriorPlus, JVZoo, or wherever?
Five bucks a day can finance a starter campaign on Microsoft Advertising, formerly known as Bing ads.
Start keeping track of your stress-relief spending, and think about the lost opportunities to invest in time-tested, proven-effective ads on a major search engine. Very soon, you’ll find yourself turning away from overeating and scattershot spending in the throes of shiny object syndrome.
Instead, you can move ahead and invest in expert, affordable training on how to run paid ad campaigns effectively.
Now that you’re turning to marketing methods that you do have time for, and that you can afford, who can you learn from?
You can’t do any better than JayKay Dowdall’s Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff (RHIMS, that is) Vol. 1 – Microsoft Ads.
JayKay’s training shines. He provides a ton of value with every course—authoritative, expertly-presented education, and this course is no exception.
If you’d like to ditch the unrelenting grind of constant content creation on platforms you don’t own and don’t control, then invest in RHIMS Vol. 1 and learn:
- A simple gameplan you can use to start off confidently and well informed.
- Conversion secrets to turn visitors into subscribers
- How to give your visitors quality content up front to build trust and likeability
- How to follow up with your subscribers to increase sales now and build long-term relationships
Take back your health, your time, and your confidence by investing JayKay’s training!