I’ll keep this short. Should you use a content spinner? Can you use software to rewrite one of your articles to repurpose for publication somewhere else? On Quora, for example? Or Medium?
You can try, but trust me–don’t. Why?
I’ll show you. Here’s a fresh paragraph of content. Give it a read, please. Then we’ll spin it.
“For a new digital marketer, choosing a niche can be the the toughest part of the entire business building process. Get this step wrong, and you’ll be setting yourself up for a disaster, earning no money, disliking the work, and wasting a ridiculous amount of time working on something that won’t pay off.”
Now for a quick visit to a free article spinner. I’ll be right back.
Okay, the spin’s done. See what you think:
“For another advanced advertiser, picking a specialty can be the hardest piece of the whole business building process. Misunderstand this progression, and you’ll set yourself up for a catastrophe, bringing in no cash, despising the work, and burning through a silly measure of time chipping away at something that won’t pay off.”
Impressed? Me neither.
Article spinners are basically thesaurus machines. They replace words in the original text with synonyms. And with advances in artificial intelligence, someday maybe they’ll do it well. But for now, they produce poor-sounding gobbledygook that you can sort of read and get the gist, but which you’d be wise not to publish as is.
The solution? Rewrite it. But hey–what’s the point of using the software if you’ll have to rewrite it yourself?
You may be thinking “But dude, you used a free article spinner! What about the paid ones?”
Been there, done that. I used a free one this time because the paid one I tried out was wretched and I didn’t want to waste money on renewing my access. It spit out unique content, but that content sounded goofy. For example, when I entered an article about diabetes that contained the words “conquer the disease,”, I got “topple the malady” as part of the rewrite. The last time you got over a cold, would you have told anyboyd that you “toppled the virus?” I didn’t think so.
So do yourself a favor. If you’ve written an article or purchased PLR content, take the time to rewrite it yourself or hire somebody on Fiverr.
Spin your content into gold, don’t have it spun into garbage.
Happy non-spinning!