Some people think that education and change are things you should only work on when you’re young. But they’re wrong.
Continual learning and personal development are things you should strive for, no matter how many years young you are. They can benefit you at every stage and in all facets of life.
Consider these seven reasons:
Reason #7. You’ll Be Better Able to Handle Challenges
When you place importance on life-long learning and self-development, you see opportunities instead of obstacles, and that makes you more prepared to face the roadblocks that life will put in your path. When you encounter surprising events, your habitual development will have stretched your ability to learn, to reach outside your comfort zone, and spot new opportunities within apparent misfortune
Reason #6. You’ll Set Your Own Course When the Winds of Change Are Blowing
Our world is always changing, always evolving, and if we don’t make an effort to keep up, we’ll likely be left behind. Regardless of whether it’s technology, world affairs, economics, or just the skillset required for day-to-day survival, it’s critical that we stay fresh and keep ourselves learning about the latest developments. The more we learn, the better prepared we are for changes and the more easily we can deal with life in a fast-paced world.
Reason #5. You’ll Have Greater Confidence
When you’re good at what you do, you feel greater confidence and more self-esteem. Lifelong learning and continual personal growth can lead to mastery of your chosen pursuits and raise your self-esteem at every stage of life. The greater your confidence, the greater your volition. Your risk tolerance is higher, so you can take on tougher and more varied challenges, which can lead you to greater rewards.
Reason #4. You’ll Be Better Able to Get a Job (If You Choose That Path)
The days of settling into a single career are gone. We must all keep learning to ensure survival in an always-changing job market. To ensure your ability to get and keep a job, then advance in your chosen field, it’s imperative that you keep learning and growing professionally. Your skill and knowledge have to grow along with your industry. You might very well change careers altogether at some point, at which well-honed learning skills will be essential. Employers today need people who can pick up new skills and ways of thinking, not complacent know-it-alls.
Reason #3. You Will Be More Socially Aware
Only when you make it a point to seek out different perspectives and viewpoints, you can increase your empathy and social awareness. If you would learn more about the world and contribute to your community, you’ll have to learn about the problems people face and help them find solutions.
Reason #2. You Can Share Your Knowledge and Connect With Others
Life-long learners appreciate the opportunity to share what they know with others. They enjoy learning, then connecting, then teaching. When you teach others, you adopt a leadership role and get to apply your knowledge in new circumstances, thus strengthening your understanding.
Reason #1. You Will Live Longer
Studies show that greater mental activity throughout life results in greater longevity and quality of life. Learning and curiosity feed each other, and both lead to a sense of purpose and a sense of fulfillment as we mature and gracefully age.